June 9, 2014

postDIY [english subtitles]

A bomb had exploded in the midst of us, and we had to do something.

The society had become weak and backwards or, more precisely, irresolute and jobless. Many people had lost their work and patience. The old was associated with the unreal, the new—with hopelessness.

The bomb had exploded in the midst of us and something had to be done.

The viewer is exposed to an inappropriate “excess” of immobility and then movement that exceeds the norms of the conventional consumer gaze.

Maybe it would be better to use Svema.

How should one juxtapose these inert concrete walls that isolate most of us, the pressing majority, with the movement of free bodies?

To do something means to arm with optimism.

Let the parts connect with the help of the transitional voice that will transport the viewer from the static buildings to the movement.

There is no need to film with Svema as the walls already refer to totalitarianism and the Soviet standard.

Maybe in a non-narrative, non-reportage style.

Many of us today, perhaps the best of us, are not open to the rest. They hide behind their tinted post-Soviet windows.

A bomb had gone off in the midst of us, and we had to keep on living.

To open the windows of our multi-apartment buildings and talk about boredom.

That’s it.

< >

I didn’t know you were in Germany and that you had a family, well, only because I can’t stand the idea of family. And moving from place to place is irrelevant in its displacement as long as you have sturdy boxes for your books. Mine are still sitting in boxes. I never thought I’d stay here so long. Wasn’t it Khlebnikov who said in 1915 that one ought to own a room in any city, have the right to constantly move, change location (the right to housing free from spatial determination)? A flying mankind does not limit its ownership rights to a private place.

< >

When everything in us changed.

You mean between us?

No, I don’t want to destroy the distance between us: there must be nothing between important moments: nothing as a spatial device.

So time collapses.

Only for them, but not for us, my love. Parallels always coincide only in places.

I have always thought that comparisons fill in, complete something, but in reality they are deficient. The more they bring worlds together, the more the world becomes strange.

Do you remember how we switched from glasnost to “one nation-one body”? Let’s homogenize. Come home, my love.

Yerevan is indescribable when the lilac blooms.

The film is directed at the circumstances of the bombing of the pub called DIY, located at 14/11 Parpetsi Street in Yerevan, at around 5AM on May 8 2012, and at society’s reaction.

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